The Greater Me Klong Multi-Purpose Project Thailand : First Stage Development for Irrigation and flood protection : Preliminary Soil Surver : Appendix D.
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok : Royal Irrigation Department, 1962Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 R6g 1962] (1).
Guidelines for flood mitigation Tung Kula Ronghai Northeast Thailand
by George Whitehouse. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 G4g 1979 ] (1).
His Majesty the king and water resource development
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1987Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 R6h 1987] (9).
His Majesty the King and water resources development
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1987Availability: Items available for reference: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: R. 631.7 R6h ] (1).
Implemetation program for the Nong Pla Lai Dam construction project.
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 R6n 1982] (2).
Interim report on post project evaluation of SSIO Project Completed by the End of Fy 1980
by SSIP Projects Completed. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 S3i 1982] (1).
Interim report prepared for the Royal Irrigation Department, Thailand and the Asian development bank : Vollume lI - Annex A to E.
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1991Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T4l 1991 V. 2] (1).
International conference on water for peace : some aspects on procurement of hydrologic data in Thaland.
by Xujati Kambhu, M.L. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok: Royal Irrigation Department. 1967Online access: Read Full-text online Availability: Items available for reference: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 X3i] (1).
Irrigation demand model programmer and user manual.
by Supot Promnaret. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.642 S8i 1989] (2). Checked out (1).
Irrigation water requirement (Nam Pong and Nong Wai projects)
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 R6i 1982 ] (2).
Kew Lom Project Feasibility report : Volume I Agricultural Irrigation
by Engineering Consultants. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1967Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5k 1967 ] (5).
Klong Pra Satung reservoir project Sa Kaeo province : Executsive summary (Feasibility study)
by Thai Consultant Engineering. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Royal Irrigation Department 1998Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T4k 1998] (2).
Kud multipurpose project
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 R6k 1980] (1).
Kud Reservoir Project : Feasibility Report.
by ELC-Electroconsult, Milano, Italy | ELC-Electroconsult, Milano Italia. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1970Online access: Read Full-text online Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.71 E5k 1970] (3).
Kud Reservoir Project : Feasibility Report.
by ELC-Electroconsult, Milano, Italy | ELC-Electroconsult, Milano Italia. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1970Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.71 E5k 1969] (1).
Lam Nam Oon Irrigation Project Feasibility Report Supplement.
by Engineering Consultants. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1970Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5l 1970] (3).
Lam Pao project Thailand : Feasibility report addendum for proposed enlargement of Lam Pao Project (Revised).
by Engineering Consultants. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1964Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5l 1964] (1).
Lam Pao project Thailand : Feasibility report addendum on the relocation of Lam Pao dam.
by Engineering Consultants. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1964Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5l 1964] (3).
Lam Pra Plerng irrigation project Thailand : Technical record of design and construction
by Engineering consultants, inc. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 E5l] (2).
Lam Takong sub - project : Project Formulation.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3l 1976 ] (1).
Land classification report Lam Pra Plerng Irrgation Project : Volume I Text and Maps
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1971Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5l 1971 Vol. 1] (3).
Land Classification report : Lam Pra Plerng Irrigation Project : Volume II Appendixes.
by Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1971Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 R6l 1971 Vol. 2] (2).
Land classification report : Me Tang Irrigation Project : Volume I Text and Maps.
by ECI International S.A. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1971Other title: kingdom of Thailand Me Tang irrigation project : Land classification Volume I : Text and maps..Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 E5m 1971 V. 1] (3).
List of rainfall stations in Thailand : Year 1978.
by Hydrology Division. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 551.48 H8l 1978] (1).
Mae Suai dam project Chiang Rai project : Bidding document volume III Technical specifications for contruction of Mae Suai dam project , contract no.จ.96/2539
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1998Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4m 1998 V.3] (1).